manage your sleep levels

Master Your Sleep Cycle: Tips for A Restful Night!

Struggling to get a good night’s sleep? Not to worry! By getting familiar with how sleep works, you can make changes that help you sleep better. Let’s break it down.

What Happens When You Sleep?

When you go to bed and start dreaming, you’re moving through different sleep stages: non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM). During NREM sleep, your body is getting ready for deep sleep. In REM sleep, your mind becomes active again and you dream. These stages repeat throughout the night.

The Different Sleep Stages

There are three stages in NREM sleep:

  1. Stage 1: This lasts around five minutes. You feel drowsy or like you’re floating.
  2. Stage 2: Half of your total sleeping time is spent here. Your heart rate slows down and your body temperature drops as you enter a more restful state.
  3. Stage 3: This is the deepest level of NREM sleep where breathing becomes slow and regular and blood pressure drops.

After these comes REM stage where your eyes move quickly under closed eyelids while dreaming occurs.

What If Your Sleep Gets Disrupted?

Sometimes things can interrupt our regular cycles of sleep such as stress or noisy surroundings causing tiredness during day time or even mood swings.

How To Get The Best Out Of Your Sleeping Time?

The first step towards better rest is creating a bedtime routine to signal your body that it’s time for rest. This can include activities like reading a book, taking a hot bath, or meditation exercises that relax the mind and prepare the body for deep sleep.

Also, consider creating an environment for good quality of rest by keeping bedroom cool and dark, minimizing noise disruptions, avoiding caffeine before bed etc.,

Remember everyone is unique so try out different techniques until you find what works best for you!

Keep Up With Good Habits For Better Rest

Start relaxing activities before bed like meditation or mindfulness exercises which will calm the mind making it easier to fall asleep

Making some changes in diet by including turkey which has tryptophan or nuts which have magnesium also helps in achieving better quality of rest.

By understanding these tips about sleeping well consistently over time, we hope that this will improve not only your nights but also your overall well-being!

Don’t forget if ever needed do ask professionals about any health queries related to sleeping disorders because there’s never anything wrong with asking for help when it comes to taking care of ourselves!

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